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Arden's Garden of Verse
Quotes from La Divina herself:
"Isn't life always full of romance?"
"I don't know really.   I suppose I'm just drifting."
"What a waste of the best years of my life-always alone-it was so stupid not being able to partake more.   Now I'm just a gypsy, living a life apart."
"No one would have me.  I can't cook."                      
"I can't go about and see people, and I live like a nun.  Now I've become 'mysterious' just because I won't go out and amuse myself..."
"I smoke all the time.  One after another."
"Schleeski! Fetch me a vodka!" (I'm just sure she said this!)

Gurra's favorite film quotes:
 Anna Christie
"Gimme a whiskey...gincherale on da' don' be stingy, baby."  
"Decent?! Who told joo I was?"
"Men...all da time! Oh how I hate dem...every mothersonofem! Don't joo?"
"Dey let joo smoke in here don't dey?  Well...ain't dey fussy in dis dump!"
"Nobody owns me...see...'ceptin' myself.  I am my own put dat in joor pipe an' smoke it!"

"Did da doorbell ring?"
"Da great romance of my might've beeeen!"
"Send for da prrriest."
"Are you following me?"
"I don't like sad thoughts...I don't, but dey come sometimes."
"Perhaps it is better if I live in your heart, where da world can't see me..."
"I always look well when I'm near death."

Two-Faced Woman
"So...Karin's husssband.  Karin's"
"I'm a flower of evil.  A few more burning flame-like years and then the end."
"What's da matter?"
"May I have a ceegarette?"
"Take your light from me."
"Not yet."
"You're a problem!"

"Raw beets and carrots."
"Dere's a leetle knob dat joo turn...dere's da knob!"
"Thooorsday...joo can't rip it outta da week."
"I should be stood up against da wall."
"Da last mass trials were a great success.  There are going to be fewer, but better Russians."

"As long as I'm living in it, it's MY house."
"Dere is someting magic about da first dawn dat two people see togedder."
"Arteest?...Thank Heaven."
"Deed joo come here...widda lady?"
"But dat doesn't mean he's taking me home...shall we go?"
"Oh, Ahn-DRAY!"
"You wanna marry dat girl, all right, joo GO to her.  But don't think you can come crawling back to me!"

Grand Hotel
"I want to be alone."
"I was so alone...den suddenly joo were dere..."
"Even da Veereenol can't help me to sleep."

Queen Christina
"I have been memorizing dis room."
"I will remember you wid love and loyalty, 'til memory is no more."
"Da house...on da cliff!"